Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sarang Tebuan Jangan Di Jolok

What are these HAMAS jokers up to? Now that Israel has put up a ceasefire, they are taunting the Israeli's again. Really? Some people never learn. These fools deserve no sympathy. Thier own people should kick them out.

Don't they realize who they are playing with. I am no fan of Israel, but I believe that every nation deserves the right to defend itself. You throw pebbles at my house, I'll return the favour with rocks. What chance do HAMAS puny rockets have, when compared to F-15's, Apache's an Merkeva tanks. Although Israel's response may be 'dispoportionate', I believe that sometimes this is the way to go.

Sometimes, I wonder whether Israel should just 'nuke' HAMAS out of existence. I mean this conflict has been going on for centuries, and will never end. I beleive ISrael has such weapons at it's disposal, they just enver admitted to it so far. Remember..Israel is a nation born out of adversity.

And back home we have our own jokers, that are clamouring for support for Gaza and all that shit. Hellooo.... We have many problems in our own back yard. Lets feed the poor and needy in our country first.

The money could go to better use domestically. Forget the Palestinians in Gaza. What are their fellow Arabs doing..not a squeak. Zilch, nada, zero... After all they are rich in pertrodollars. We are not Arabs. This is a cultural conflict that has been going on for centuries. No need to get involved.

I'm often reminded of a saying we learnt in school, "Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok" (don't stir a hornets nest).

So to Hamas, please be reminded..The sting of the 'sons of david' can be quite painful..

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